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Virus Attack : 2D Game

C# | Unity Engine | 2D | Game

Walkthrough Video

Virus Attack was individual coursework for the Introduction to Programming for Games module. This is a simple 2D game inspired by the Disney movie 'Ralph Breaks the Internet'. I found it interesting to delve into the Internet world and have some adventure. The game consists of 8 stages.


"The virus has attacked your computer and hidden the most important file. Your goal is to search through the computer and get some clues for the final location of the hidden folder."

Technical Implementation

1. Main Scene

The Main Scene is where a player can always come back and go to another app, just like the main screen on the computer. I used the UI button features to make it look like a real app. There is a total of 7 buttons that players can interact with : Apple, Folder, Key, Mail, Goggle, Instegrem, and Bin.


When the game starts, the player gets a mail alert, and when clicked, virus-infected pop-up windows and game instruction shows up. I used the Coroutine function to give short breaks for each action, and Unity Animator to make things animate.


No matter how many Instagram followers you have, you don't know who they are. I made this mini-game to point out this. The main mechanism is that your IG friends are kidnapped by the virus, and to rescue them, you have to drag and drop your IG friend's interests to the chatbox. If you click the little IG ID button, you can pick their Instagram account to get a hint.


To access Goggle main page, the player has to play a simple mini-game. I've got inspired by Google chrome's "No Internet Game". I tried to mimic it but also changed a bit. I used a different character, and instead of just avoiding obstacles, I added a wifi element that when the character eats five wifi in total, the player can access the internet and use the Goggle website. To implement this mini- pixel game, I made a looping background, 2D colliders to detect the wifi or obstacles. I also used the UI Slider element to visualize the wifi score condition. As the character eats the wifi, the wifi slider is filled with black colour.

After the player wins the mini-game, they can access the Goggle website. I used UI - dropdown feature to implement the googling effect. As the player clicks each dropdown element, it moves to another scene. This googling part is also an important hint that the player needs for the last stage. Timer element is also used.


In the Bin scene, the main mechanism is to find two identical files and delete them. When the player selects two same files, the pop-up window of confirmation. If it is an identical file, two files disappear. But if not, a retry pop-up window appears and the player can redo. After deleting all the same looking files, one different file will be left, and by clicking it the player can get a hint. I made the one different file not function until every other file is gone. These files are made by Unity's Toggle button that toggles the selection.


When clicking the folder button on the main screen, the pop-up window asking for the password appears. Unity UI's Input field is used to implement this. "angel", "Angel", or "ANGEL" are all accepted for the password. If the password is correct, it goes to the folder scene. I made a simple folder maze that there are many folders and the player has to find the right folder that will lead to the next scene. When clicking the wrong folder, it plays a weird sound and 'X' sign which means it's wrong. Or else, the folder colour changes to pink and move to the next scene. The next scene is the emoji quiz which has the same mechanic as the Instagram drag and drop element. It would be easy to solve if the player got the clue from the IG stage.

The last stage is answering simple quizzes based on the Goggle stage's hint. I made a quiz using the dialogue system. To make a dialogue system work, I used the Queue data structure. After that, the player can finally access the hidden file. The lost file was the "IPG_final Project". Then, the success scene loads. I made an animation of little viruses putting the stolen file back on the main screen. Unity Animator is used to implementing this.