한국어 | English

Baobab Diary - MR Mindfulness App

C# | Unity Engine | Mixed Reality | Gen AI
Walkthrough Video (Korean version)
Walkthrough Video (English version)


Baobab Diary is a Mixed Reality (MR) mindfulness app that transforms the practice of "mindful journaling" into an immersive MR experience. The app allows users to reflect on their emotions creatively before sleep, encouraging self-awareness and emotional regulation. By answering daily questions, users can identify emotional patterns and gain a clearer perspective on their feelings, promoting mental health and maturity. Utilizing OpenAI technologies, the app provides positive, adaptive feedback to enhance user engagement, ultimately shifting focus from the past or future to the present self, aiming to improve overall mental well-being.

🏆 Winner of the 2024 Metaverse Developer Contest, awarded by the Korea Metaverse Industry Association selected out of 125 teams.

Team Roles

Seonjeong Park : Ideation, app development using Unity, spatial interaction, UI/UX design, GitHub pipeline setup.
Kyungjoo Min: Ideation, narration script writing, 3D modeling, and animation using Blender, spatial sound design.

Development Background and Purpose

South Korea has the highest suicide rate among OECD countries, with stress being identified as a major factor. Many individuals suppress their emotions, lacking time and space for self-reflection, leading to deteriorating mental health. We saw the need for an accessible, universally applicable MR app that helps users manage stress and emotions through meaningful interactions and self-reflection.

The app aims to provide a space for users to objectively observe and organize their emotions before sleep. Through mindful journaling, users are guided to focus on the present, fostering emotional health and maturity.

Development Environment and Tools

Platform : Meta Quest
Game Engine : Unity3D
Programming Language : C#
Gen AI : Whisper API, OpenAI API Plugins : HypeRate Pulgin, Meta SDK
Collaboration Tool : GitHub

System Architecture and Key Features

Meta SDK Integration: Utilises Meta SDK to create a rich and engaging MR environment with advanced hand-tracking for various gestures, enhancing user experience.
Passthrough Technology: Creates a night sky using stencil shaders and supports smooth interactions.
OpenAI Integration: Uses Whisper API for voice-to-text conversion and GPT for personalized feedback.
Data Storage: Features a robust system for storing emotional data, audio recordings, and text transcriptions.
Real-time Biometric Integration: Integrates real-time heart rate monitoring with the Hype Rate plugin.

Core Features

1. Emotional Guardian - The Baobab Tree: Users interact with the Baobab tree to record emotions, stored as fruits. The app offers an emotional analysis report and personalized feedback.
2. Mindfulness Journey: Guides users through breathing exercises, heart rate monitoring, and character interactions.
3. Emotion Exploration through Fruits: Allows users to revisit their saved emotions and interact with AI-generated healing messages.